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Develop ClojureScript SPA with combination of integrant and re-frame

In this post, I'll introduce how to develop ClojureScript Single Page Application by using the combination of integrant and re-frame.

I also introduced that in the previous post. But as the previous example was special case, Ethereum DApp, it was a little complex to understand. So I develop an example again in pure cljs.


I tentatively call this pattern "re-integrant".


The SPA developed in this application pattern consists of three layers.

  1. Integrant layer that manages the whole lifecycle of the application.
  2. Re-frame layer that manages app-db that is updated by user interaction.
  3. Reagent layer represents view that subscribes and dispatches app-db via re-frame handlers.

And the application is divided into modules by integrant. Re-frame handlers are registered in each modules' namespaces when the modules initialize.


Project Structure

I adopted the similar structure to the server side integrant application like duct template. And I created dev directory to manage development settings.

├── project.clj
├── dev
│   ├── resources
│   │   └── dev.edn
│   └── src
│       └── user.cljs
├── resources
│   ├── config.edn
│   └── public
│       ├── css
│       │   └── site.css
│       └── index.html
└── src
    └── re_integrant_app
        ├── core.cljs
        ├── module
        │   ├── app.cljs
        │   ├── moment.cljs
        │   └── router.cljs
        ├── utils.cljc
        └── views.cljs


The versions of primary libraries are bellow.

[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.339"]
[reagent "0.8.0"]
[re-frame "0.10.5"]
[integrant "0.7.0"]

The build settings of ClojureScript in each profiles are bellow. Figwheel executes cljs.user/reset on jsload during development.

   [{:id "dev"
     :source-paths ["src" "dev/src"]
     :figwheel     {:on-jsload            cljs.user/reset}
     :compiler     {:main                 cljs.user
                    :output-to            "resources/public/js/compiled/app.js"
                    :output-dir           "resources/public/js/compiled/out"
                    :asset-path           "js/compiled/out"
                    :source-map-timestamp true
                    :preloads             [devtools.preload
                    :closure-defines      {"re_frame.trace.trace_enabled_QMARK_" true
                                           "day8.re_frame.tracing.trace_enabled_QMARK_" true}
                    :external-config      {:devtools/config {:features-to-install :all}}}}
    {:id "min"
     :source-paths ["src"]
     :compiler     {:main            re-integrant-app.core
                    :output-to       "resources/public/js/compiled/app.js"
                    :optimizations   :advanced
                    :closure-defines {goog.DEBUG false}
                    :pretty-print    false}}
    {:id "test"
     :source-paths ["src" "test"]
     :compiler     {:main          re-integrant-app.runner
                    :output-to     "resources/public/js/compiled/test.js"
                    :output-dir    "resources/public/js/compiled/test/out"
                    :optimizations :none}}]}


I added :module/moment that provides Moment in each seconds.

{:re-integrant-app.module/moment {}

 ["/" {""       :home
       "about"  :about}]

 {:mount-point-id "app"
  :routes #ig/ref :re-integrant-app.module/router
  :moment #ig/ref :re-integrant-app.module/moment}}


It doesn't do anything different from what I introduced in the last post. But I wrote process explicitly for the sake of ease. I added multimethods, reg-sub and reg-event to that we can add the implementation of handlers. We can register all of handlers by using it when the module initializes. The implementation of ::now subscription means that it provides Moment object in each seconds only when it's subscribed. (Please refer to Subscribing to External Data)

;; Initial DB
(def initial-db {::now nil})

;; Subscriptions
(defmulti reg-sub identity)
(defmethod reg-sub ::now [k]
   k (fn [app-db _]
       (let [close (create-loop #(re-frame/dispatch [::fetch-now]) 1000)]
          #(get-in @app-db [::now])
          :on-dispose close)))))

;; Events
(defmulti reg-event identity)
(defmethod reg-event ::init [k]
   k [re-frame/trim-v]
    [db _]
    (-> db
        (merge initial-db)
        (assoc ::now (js/moment))))))
(defmethod reg-event ::halt [k]
   k [re-frame/trim-v]
    [db _]
    (->> db
         (filter #(not= (namespace (key %)) (namespace ::x)))
         (into {})))))
(defmethod reg-event ::fetch-now [k]
   k [re-frame/trim-v]
    [db _]
    (js/console.log "tick!")
    (assoc db ::now (js/moment)))))

;; Init
(defmethod ig/init-key :re-integrant-app.module/moment
  [k {:keys [:dev]}]
  (js/console.log (str "Initializing " k))
  (when dev (js/console.log "It's dev mode."))
  (let [subs (->> reg-sub methods (map key))      ;; Get the keywords of handlers.
        events (->> reg-event methods (map key))] ;; Same as above.
    (->> subs (map reg-sub) doall)                ;; Execute multimethod and register handlers.
    (->> events (map reg-event) doall)            ;; Same as above.
    (re-frame/dispatch-sync [::init])
    {:subs subs :events events}))

;; Halt
(defmethod ig/halt-key! :re-integrant-app.module/moment
  [k {:keys [:subs :events]}]                      ;; Get the keywords of handlers.
  (js/console.log (str "Halting " k))
  (re-frame/dispatch-sync [::halt])
  (->> subs (map re-frame/clear-sub) doall)        ;; Clear handlers.
  (->> events (map re-frame/clear-event) doall))   ;; Same as above.


It's not different from what was in the previous post. Only when home-panel which is subscribing ::moment/now opens, :module/moment provides Moment objects.

(defn home-panel []
  (let [now (re-frame/subscribe [::moment/now])]
    (fn []
        [:h2 "Now"]
        (when-let [now @now]
          (str now))]])))

(defn about-panel []
  (fn [] [:div "About"]))

(defn none-panel []

(defmulti  panels identity)
(defmethod panels :home-panel [] #'home-panel)
(defmethod panels :about-panel [] #'about-panel)
(defmethod panels :none [] #'none-panel)

(def transition-group
  (reagent/adapt-react-class js/ReactTransitionGroup.TransitionGroup))
(def css-transition
  (reagent/adapt-react-class js/ReactTransitionGroup.CSSTransition))

(defn app-container []
  (let [title (re-frame/subscribe [:re-integrant-app.module.app/title])
        active-panel (re-frame/subscribe [::router/active-panel])]
    (fn []
       [sa/Menu {:fixed "top" :inverted true}
         [sa/MenuItem {:as "span" :header true} @title]
         [sa/MenuItem {:as "a" :href "/"} "Home"]
         [sa/MenuItem {:as "a" :href "/about"} "About"]]]
       [sa/Container {:className "mainContainer" :style {:margin-top "7em"}}
        (let [panel @active-panel]
           [css-transition {:key panel
                            :classNames "pageChange" :timeout 500 :className "transition"}
            [(panels panel)]]])]])))


It's also not changed so much. You need to require all modules because we can't use integrant's load-namespaces in ClojureScript. And I defined config as an atom because I want to change it during development.

(ns re-integrant-app.core
  (:require [integrant.core :as ig]
  (:require-macros [re-integrant-app.utils :refer [read-config]]))

(defonce system (atom nil))

(def config (atom (read-config "config.edn")))

(defn start []
  (reset! system (ig/init @config)))

(defn stop []
  (when @system
    (ig/halt! @system)
    (reset! system nil)))

(defn ^:export init []


It's the development setting. I set :dev true in :module/moment to check if it's reflected.

{:re-integrant-app.module/moment {:dev true}}


It's the main namespace during development. It loads dev.edn and merge it to core/config. Figwheel call reset on jsload.

(ns cljs.user
  (:require [re-integrant-app.core :refer [system config start stop]]
            [meta-merge.core :refer [meta-merge]])
  (:require-macros [re-integrant-app.utils :refer [read-config]]))


(println "dev mode")

(swap! config #(meta-merge % (read-config "dev.edn")))

(defn reset []


You can start Figwheel server and open cljs repl by following command. When you save the code, Figwheel detect that, build it and reflect it to browser.

% lein dev
Figwheel: Cutting some fruit, just a sec ...
Figwheel: Validating the configuration found in project.clj
Figwheel: Configuration Valid ;)
Figwheel: Starting server at
Figwheel: Watching build - dev
Figwheel: Cleaning build - dev
Compiling build :dev to "resources/public/js/compiled/app.js" from ["src" "dev/src"]...
Successfully compiled build :dev to "resources/public/js/compiled/app.js" in 29.414 seconds.
Figwheel: Starting CSS Watcher for paths  ["resources/public/css"]
Launching ClojureScript REPL for build: dev
Figwheel Controls:
          (stop-autobuild)                ;; stops Figwheel autobuilder
          (start-autobuild id ...)        ;; starts autobuilder focused on optional ids
          (switch-to-build id ...)        ;; switches autobuilder to different build
          (reset-autobuild)               ;; stops, cleans, and starts autobuilder
          (reload-config)                 ;; reloads build config and resets autobuild
          (build-once id ...)             ;; builds source one time
          (clean-builds id ..)            ;; deletes compiled cljs target files
          (print-config id ...)           ;; prints out build configurations
          (fig-status)                    ;; displays current state of system
          (figwheel.client/set-autoload false)    ;; will turn autoloading off
          (figwheel.client/set-repl-pprint false) ;; will turn pretty printing off
  Switch REPL build focus:
          :cljs/quit                      ;; allows you to switch REPL to another build
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
    Exit: :cljs/quit
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, *e holds last exception object
Prompt will show when Figwheel connects to your application
[Rebel readline] Type :repl/help for online help info
ClojureScript 1.10.339

And as I created user.cljs as main namespace, we can get config, rewrite it and reset system in repl.

dev:cljs.user=> @config
{:re-integrant-app.module/moment {:dev true},
 :re-integrant-app.module/router ["/" {"" :home, "about" :about}],
 {:mount-point-id "app",
  :routes {:key :re-integrant-app.module/router},
  :moment {:key :re-integrant-app.module/moment}}}
dev:cljs.user=> (swap! config update-in [:re-integrant-app.module/moment :dev] not)
{:re-integrant-app.module/moment {:dev false},
 :re-integrant-app.module/router ["/" {"" :home, "about" :about}],
 {:mount-point-id "app",
  :routes {:key :re-integrant-app.module/router},
  :moment {:key :re-integrant-app.module/moment}}}
dev:cljs.user=> (reset)
 {:subs (:re-integrant-app.module.moment/now),
  {:history #object[pushy.core.t_pushy$core31222],
   :routes ["/" {"" :home, "about" :about}]}},
 {:subs (:re-integrant-app.module.app/title),
  :container #object[HTMLDivElement [object HTMLDivElement]]}}


In this post, I introduced how to develop ClojureScript Single Page Application by using the combination of integrant and re-frame. Although it is a little thick stack, you can adopt it to a complicated SPA that has a lot of depedencies, has complex lifecycle and need to change settings depending on profiles.
